Monday, August 15, 2011

Can you forgive me?

So it has been almost three months since you have heard from me on here! I have to blame Facebook for my lazyness. Take pic with phone, add caption, upload, you're done. Not to mention the time consuming effort it takes to upload pics from camera, upload to blogger and then come up with witty, entertaining things to say. So there you have it. Oh, and plus our laptop died (and has now been added to "things Colton gets to take apart"). In the midst of adding another Atchley to the family, I thought I better give you an update so I won't feel guilty that all of my blogs will be dedicated to pics of our new bundle. So much more has happened that I wanted to share, but here are some of the highlights, enjoy!

Colton turned 9 and had a Sonic themed party at the bowling alley!

Christopher turned 4 and had a "yellow" themed party!


Carson turned 2 and promptly embraced his age!

4th of July with Jackie and Shae visiting!

Jackie and Shae (and Flat Shelby) joined us for Mt. Vernon, Memorials and museums downtown DC, the National Zoo, and all sorts of fun!

Vacation Bible School (with a cooking theme) I got to meet Norman Davis, one of my favorite Food Network Challenge competitors

We have been doing all sorts of activities with our neighborhood friends to include mini-golf, strawberry picking, Memorial day picnic, playing at local parks and tons of time at the pool!

Did I mention that we have spent a lot of time keeping cool at the pool?

We really have had a fun summer and are looking forward to welcoming our new little girl, starting school and fun fall activities! I will keep you posted!

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