Sunday, October 05, 2008

Goodbye Garage!

Phew! How does time fly so quickly sometimes?

Last Tuesday we decided to look at our house and see what needed to be done to it to finally finish it. The biggest project was the garage. So wednesday there was a gas guy (hee hee) out to cap off the gas to the furnace, thursday we had our contractor out to cut off all of the electric and Friday morning a gigantic dumpster was delivered. Oh, and we rented a storage unit for everything that was in the garage!
So now we have everything moved out of the garage, into storage and started demolition. Yikes, what a mess!
Here's Colton swinging the first blow. (Ok Jesse staged it. He really can't hit that hard!)

Oh yeah, with all of the moving and shuffling we came across about 5 of these! Here's a black widow next to a nickel. We saw another one bigger than this, but I didn't want to get the camera before it got squished!


. said...

SICKKKKK! AHHH, I can't wait for winter so there are no more SPIDERS...I can't believe that. As much as it is scary, it is also really interesting that you found it. I think I just told someone the other day that I have never seen one...GROSS!

Rachel Melone said...

Awesome! How exciting!!!! Love to see all the cool things you guys to do your house. It looks great!

Summer said...

Okay, I think I'm going to re-think playing games with Colton and Christopher. Spiders and I DO. NOT. GET. ALONG. Especially black widows! GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel Melone said...

Hey, we made an offer on a house. Time to get the garage done and get on the bandwagon!!! Can we say FAITH!!!!! Let's get together soon!

Ann said...

Seriously, black widows!!!!! Okay I have just started getting over my spider fear with all the hobo spiders we find and kill in our house.....but black widows are just a little too much for me to not freak out about. You are so hard core!