Monday, November 14, 2011

Awana Grand Prix

Sunday night we attended the Awana Grand Prix. Colton with his car "Road Rage" got first, then second to make it to the final race and finally came in fourth! Christopher swept the race with his "Spiderman" car got first in the Cubbies division and Carson with his "Thomas" car won a few races and recieved first for design!

Colton is already planning on how he is going to pick a more aerodynamic design for next year! :)

Colton sanding his car, getting ready to paint! Christopher with his car getting ready to paint!
Celebratory dance after Christopher's car came in first
Brothers with their first place trophies!
Carson and Christophers cars going head to head!

(Thomas and Spiderman)Colton excited for his car to race

Christopher awarded his trophy. When they put the microphone to his
mouth and asked "what would you like to say?" His reply "I am the winner!"

Carson after it was announced that he won 1st for design.

(Though I am not sure he really knew why everyone was so excited for him!)
So excited about his trophy that he slept with it!

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