Here is an update on what has been going on around here:
1. Visited Jesse in Cutbank last weekend since he had to stay there and needed some company. Plus we spent all of Saturday in Glacier! It was beautiful!
2. Christopher had his first pool experience at the hotel! He liked it even though the water was freezing!
2. Dentist Check up (Why is it, that the only time I floss is right before I go to the dentist? Like I get extra points for "catching up", or something! Does anyone else do that? Whatever, liars!)
3. Colton started soccer. There is nothing more amusing than watching 3 on 3 Five year olds try to remember which goal is theirs, to have good sportsmanship when the other team scores, and remember to pass to your teammates! He is having a great time and you all can officially call me a Soccer Mom! (He's the one with black shorts and black socks)
4. At 4:00 today I will be stopping by Walgreens to pick up 412 pictures that I ordered. Why? Oh, Laura Beth, Katie, and I will be joining forces for a Scrap-A-thon til midnight (or later). I am sooooo excited! The last thing that I scrapbooked was Colton's 2nd birthday!
5. Christopher and I went to the Ladies Garden Tea Party on Tuesday to honor Abby K. and I could not find a fancy hat for any thing. My solution... put the garden in my hair! It was fun getting dressed up (I know Rachel M. is laughing out loud right now), and getting together with a bunch of women. It was really nice to honor Abby, we will miss her!
My "hollywood" pose!
6. Don't get fitted with contacts when you are pregnant and not order them until after. Your eyes change, and not a little bit, but pretty drastically. My glasses broke (huh, imagine that. Again) and so until they could be replaced, I ordered contacts from my last exam (pregnant). I put them on (not pregnant), tried to drive around and had to cut my errands short because these things were making my vision absolutely backwards! I think I would've been better without any in! So I have an appt. for a new fitting.
7. Christopher got his 4 month check up on Tues. 17 pounds(74%) and 27 inches long(93%). Him and his carrier/car seat together weigh 27.8 lbs. I am getting some sweet biceps!
8. Colton has been making this wheezy, gurgly sound when he breathes for the past three days. Which I thought might just be Colton being Colton. But yesterday it sounded pretty bad, so again we went to the dr. and he has a bronchial infection. Opps, well chalk it up to the times that I took him right away and it was a case of the sniffly sneezes.
9. I am anxiously awaiting a text from Rachel M. (to be exact, Kris, her husband) to find out what they had, what they named it, how big it is! She was enduced at 5 am this morning!!!
10. Jesse just walked in the door. Carrying a little bag from the Pita Pit. It is sooo yummy and any new restaurant in GF is reason to celebrate!
Hello hot stuff! You are just beautiful, C. Hope you had a lovely time and fun scrapping :)
Hey! You look so awesome! Zeke has his 4 mos dr apptmt on Friday so I'm anxiously waiting to see how much he weighs now- I think Christopher has him beat:) Thanks for the update- you are still busy! And the holidays are right around the corner...
Cortney, you look fantastic! How's Colton liking Kindergarten? I can't believe how much Christopher looks like Colton. Miss scrapping with you, hope you enjoyed your time.
Cortney- I just happened to go to your blogs, and saw all the new pictures! You look so good, and was glad to see Colton playing soccer. Chris is a real cutie. Sounds like you keep busy. Love, Marsha
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