Thursday, December 30, 2010

High school blackmail

This has officially been documented and will be used for black mail in High School or any opportune time.
Colton wanted to use some of his Christmas $ to buy a Build a Bear and Christopher chose to pick out an outfit for his kitty (which he LOVES). His choices were a little pair of jeans with a black and white shirt or a frilly princess dress with butterfly wings on the back. Jesse said "Well, at least it's blue". :)

We were never quite sure if kitty was a boy or girl, and now we do. Kitty was very excited to recieve her new outfit!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We had such a great Christmas! Some of the highlights are:
1. I actually surprised Jesse with a Love Sac! He had no idea-I guess it helps when you have a basement full of boxes. We absolutely LOVE this thing, it is truly the most comfortable thing I have EVER sat in!

2. Eventhough Colton didn't get some of the things he was hoping for, he had such a thankful heart and just loved the things that he recieved!

3. After a special present Christopher got, he hopped up and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.
(I think they may be buttering me up for next year)

4. I really feel like I was able to put a lot of the focus on Jesus' birth and the spirit of giving more than the commercialism of Christmas. And I feel that they really "got it".

5. Um... with that being said, did you see that I got TWO adorable pairs of boots! I am hoping for a little "weather" so I can break in my new rubber boots.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a blessed new year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Advent Calendars and Christmas Eve gifts

So day 24 marks the last day of chocolates from our Advent calendars (though I know I will be hearing from Christopher, why we aren't having chocolate right before bed every night). I was very excited to find an Advent book with each day broken down into a small portion of the Nativity story. This was exactly what I was looking for and each little board book has a string that loops on to our little "sparkle" tree (fiber optics). I hope to continue this little tradition for many years to come.
Tried to use no flash so you could see the "sparkle"
Cookies for Santa and a carrot for the reindeer
Carson loves his trucks. Thank you Evan!
This boy is beaming with pride in his black Spiderman suit! Thank you Kacie!

Colton was so excited for the Hero Factory motorcycle he got from Blake! Thank you!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
(At least for a few more hours. I put the baby gate up at the boys' door and it doesn't come down until after 6 am.)

Happy Christmas Steve!

This morning, as Christopher was snuggled in our bed, I said "Happy Christmas Eve" and he reciprocated, "Happy Christmas Steve". I thought it was too cute, that I needed to share!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

So I haven't really established many traditions with our family, but we usually decorate Gingerbread houses and this year is no different. (I also found a super Advent book, but I promise to blog that soon). We did these this past weekend, but I didn't have the camera then. Here are the pics we took this morning so we could share with you all!

Christopher was too bothered by Carson taking the candy off of his house to look up and smile.

Colton's Gingerbread house with Mr. Mint standing guard

The backside of Colton's house with snowman & lopsided tree (with help from Me)

Carson pretty much ate the candy and smashed his house, so this is as close as he'll get!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pics of the house

So I was scolded by my family for not keeping a proper update on my blog. I was waiting to take pictures when the house was somewhat presentable. Plus my camera was broken (by Christopher, again) and I was at the mercy of my cell phone camera. So anyway, I "opened" a Christmas present early so now you can look at decent pictures! Hurray!

Carson very happy that I have my new camera!
Hallway: see two posts earlier
Living room (the part that isn't too messy)
Kitchen while standing in the hallway

Kitchen: same place just a different angle to show the "window" into the dining room
View while sitting at the kitchen table.
So far we know 4 whitetail does, 2 foxes and numerous
squirrels, Cardinals, BlueJays, Woodpeckers, etc.
It's fun to sit down and watch out the window at all of the wildlife!
I didn't think that I would have that living in "the city"!

Thursday, December 02, 2010


So we've got most of the living room and rec (dining) room set up, along with bedrooms and surprisingly still have a ton of boxes in the basement. Part of me wants to just take all of the unopened boxes to the thrift store and hope that there is nothing valuable in them. Though I know that this isn't what we'll do. It's tempting. (sigh) I am having a sluggish sort of day after walking Colton to the bus stop and then realizing in the mad dash out the door, I locked myself out of the house. Long story short, I paid a guy $75 (which was only 1/4 of what he was going to charge) to discover that our basement door was unlocked. Grump. So I am taking a "mommy time out" and blogging and playing on the internet during nap time. I may update our GPSs so it doesn't take us on dilly-wampus routes like it seems to be doing lately. It also took us to the middle of the woods when we tried to find a Krispy Kreme. Weird. Guess it was looking out for our waistlines :)