Monday, January 05, 2009

To California and back

Here's just a quick post to catch up on our Christmas trip to California:

Christmas Morning

Muyah, muyah... blowing kisses to Elmo

Pretty proud of his pile... "I guess I really was a good boy this year!"

Cookies for Santa, designed by Colton

Plate to put Santa's cookies on.

Happy 2009!

Me and Christopher... and a crab.

Hoping that if he gives them weapons, they will start fighting.
Whhoooo hoooo!
Filling Grandpa in on all that happened while he was at work!

Dat, dat... means crab in Christopher language

Cute little eskimo baby

Trying to get the crabs to fight eachother
Heyyyyyy, heeeeyyyyy... said with a Boston/Finding Nemo accent

Splashing in puddles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where in Cali? better not have been within three hours!