Sunday, January 21, 2007

25 week pics: Halfway there!

Ok so I know that 20 weeks is technically half way there, but I really only fix my hair and wear makeup about once a week, so you get 25 weeks! And yes, immediately after pics, I was in Old Navy fleece pants and a giant t-shirt! Baby is growing well (as you can plainly see!) and I'm feeling really good! He's already measuring a couple weeks bigger, but I blame that on the great food that we indulged in during the holidays! Other than that, no big news. We started looking at baby, someone convinced me to put the crib, swing and stoller in our garage sale last year, saying "oh, by the time we have a kid we'll get other stuff". I don't think Jesse quite realized how soon we were actually going to have a kid- denial, maybe :) I've been checking out Ebay and found some really great deals, anybody out there with experience buying from Ebay? Let me know. Not sure if it is worth it or just better to buy directly from companies (Babies R Us, WalMart etc.) Just curious.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I buy from ebay, but have never bought a large item. If you decide to buy from there, just make sure that you read all the fine print in the aution! By the way, you look great!

Unknown said...

My Mom buys all sorts of stuff off ebay, expensive and inexpensive. You need to pay careful attention to the rating of the seller! It will tell you on their site if they have had good reviews from their buyers. Also make sure you use paypal. Oh and by the way, you look super cute. I can't believe you are only half way :( Tell Connie that I didn't write that blog about the Husband Survivor. It was an email I received! Tee Hee

Make sure you rent the movie "Hard Candy" for Jesse to watch. Its a controversial movie on pedifiles!!!

Susie said...

What a beautiful mama you are :)

Susie said...

maybe I should have put mama-to-be- but you know what I mean :)

The Melones said...

You look great, all baby! I wore it everywhere..... face, arms, legs and knee's. I'm very envious of you!!! Good job.

Anonymous said...

you look absolutely lovely.