The Setting: Storytime at the library. Colton is sitting next to me due to the previous behavior of crawling all over another child and talking really loud.
Colton: I'm gonna tell Jesse and he will give you a spanking!
Me: No me and Jesse are a team and he does not give me spankings. You better stop right now or you will lose your cowboy boots. (yes, the coveted ones)
Colton: *tongue out at me with angry eyes*
Me: (without a word pull off cowboy boots and stuff into library bag)
Colton: Grrrrr! *Angry eyes and squeezes my arm*
Me: Alright that's it. Time to go.
*Me carrying Colton (I wouldn't dare put his boots on him to let him walk) crying, kicking and screaming all the way to the car*
In the car:
Colton(now seeing the error of his ways): But am I going to get a spanking?
Me: I don't know. Do you think you need a spanking?
Colton: Well, I like spankings.
Me: You do? Then how many do you want?
Colton: Lots of spankings.
Me: OK, I can give you lots of spankings. If that is what you like.
Colton: Yeah, I like lots of spankings.
Me: OK
(long pause)
Colton: Um, I mean I don't like them, I was just kidding.
Me: Oh no, if you really like them, I think I should give you a lot.
Colton(starting to tear up again): No, mom, I don't need any, I will make good choices.
Me: I'll have to think about it. When you behave like that, I get very frustrated and I don't like it. The other kids are trying to listen to the story and they can't hear if you are doing that.
Colton: But I will make good choices now, mom. I really don't need any spankings.
Ok, so I love it that I have a fun, creative, silly little boy, but sometimes this kid...ugg! Just to let you know I showed a little mercy and opted not to spank him, due to the facts that he is recovering from a cold and didn't get very good sleep last night. Lunch time and nap time soon followed after we got home! If any one has any good advice, I'm up for it! This only child business is ridiculous! This kid needs a little competition and sacrifice!!! (Kudos to anyone that decided to have only one child, I am not judging you in any way, I just believe that you learn a lot with a sibling!) Vacation...starting Thursday...clean clothes or not I am ready for it!!!!